Perspectives from the field

March 11, 2025 (2pm-5pm )

Auditorium of MSH Paris Nord

Chair: Valentine Becquet (Ined) & Virginie Rozée (Ined)


Mathilde Delespine (Maison des femmes de Rennes)

Mathilde Delespine is a midwife, co-responsible for the CHU care units at the Maison des Femmes Gisèle Halimi and for the units dedicated to women victims of violence and female genital mutilation at the CHU Rennes. Specializing in the health of vulnerable women, she divides her time between clinical practice, coordinating the care units dedicated to female victims of violence and genital mutilation at the Maison des Femmes Gisèle Halimi in Rennes, and teaching.

Violeta Belhouchat (Sexologie et Résilience)

Violeta Belhouchat, a French-Chilean who speaks both French and Spanish, runs a private practice, Sexology and Resilience, in Levallois-Perret. Her agenda is diverse. As a counsellor for women who have experienced sexual trauma, she provides information and refers them to the relevant therapies, leads discussion groups and creates workshops focusing on post-traumatic sexuality. Her training courses and conferences for health professionals and associations cover 6 subjects: sexual consent, sexual violence, post-traumatic global and sexual after-effects, adapted therapies, clitoral anatomy and female genital mutilation. Her theoretical work is the Components of Sexuality model (Belhouchat 2020). Her pragmatic work includes consultancy as an intimacy coordinator for cinema professionals, and courses in vulva and clitoral illustration (Vulvae, CESAN school). Her collaboration in collective works: Combattre le cybersexisme (2019), Violences obstétricales et gynécologiques (2023) and Pour une véritable éducation à la sexualité (2023). Creations : Booklet ‘1 illustration every 4 minutes’ and exhibition of watercolours Clitoris Parlons-en! for Excision Parlons-en! (2024)

Sarah Durocher (MFPF)

Anna Mercier (Santé publique France)

Social marketing specialist, Anna Mercier studied political philosophy and political philosophy and communication of public institutions at Celsa. After 15 years of expertise in social marketing on a wide range of prevention topics including tobacco and sexual health, she now heads the sexual health department sexual health department within the prevention and health promotion at Santé publique France. This department produces survey data on sexual and preventive behaviors and prevention behaviors of the French population; runs social marketing campaigns aimed at teenagers, the general population and men who have sex with men; and funds the activities of associations working in the field with vulnerable populations.

Clélia Gasquet-Blanchard (École des hautes études en santé publique / Solipam)

Clélia Gasquet-Blanchard is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at EHESP and the CNRS Espaces et Sociétés Laboratory at Rennes 2 University. She is also Director of the SOLIPAM Ile de France regional health network, which helps to provide care for pregnant women and their newborn babies in very precarious situations. Her work on perinatal health and women’s health focuses on health inequalities and North/South relations of domination, in particular by understanding the effects of public policies on the trajectories and experiences of people in need of care, as well as those who provide it. Through a critical geography approach to health issues, as well as to the epistemology of geography and the dissemination of knowledge in the human sciences, she develops approaches in her work that link academic, institutional and artistic work in the places where she practises her profession and as a citizen.

Neil Datta (Forum Parlementaire Européen pour les Droits Sexuels et reproductifs)

Neil Datta has been Executive Director of the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights since 2004, having co-founded the organization in 2000 with the support of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. The EPF, which brings together over 30 European all-party parliamentary groups, aims to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights. With almost 20 years’ experience, Neil Datta previously coordinated IPPF’s parliamentary program in Europe and has been involved in research into anti-choice networks, publishing a book on the subject.